
December 4, 2024

2024 Fair Lending Interagency Webinar
Eight federal agencies hosted this interagency discussion of fair lending. During this session, a variety of fair lending topics were discussed, including recent fair lending enforcement actions, HMDA reporting, redlining risk identification and management, and the Department of Justice’s Combating Redlining Initiative.

Outlook Live Webinar Archive

View the archive of the webinar that was hosted on Thursday, December 4, 2024.

Presentation Materials

April 17, 2024

Compliance Resources: Learning Where to Find Answers to Your Compliance Questions
In this webinar, we review sound practices for researching compliance questions and provide several actual examples. We’ll discuss how to navigate the U.S. Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, the Official Staff Commentaries, Federal Register notices, FAQs, and other resources. We will also show how to conduct a single search on the websites of all the federal consumer regulatory agencies to see if your question ha been addressed.

Outlook Live Webinar Archive

View the archive of the webinar that was hosted on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Webinar

Presentation Materials

December 14, 2023

2023 Fair Lending Interagency Webinar
Eight federal agencies hosted this interagency discussion of fair lending. During this session, a variety of fair lending topics were discussed, including algorithmic bias, redlining, appraisal discrimination, indirect automobile lending, disability discrimination, and other supervision and/or enforcement-related updates from the agencies.

Outlook Live Webinar Archive

View the archive of the webinar that was hosted on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Presentation Materials

December 6, 2022

2022 Interagency Fair Lending Webinar
Eight federal agencies hosted this interagency discussion of fair lending. During this session, a variety of fair lending topics were discussed, including redlining, appraisal bias, Special Purpose Credit Programs, and other supervision and/or enforcement-related updates from the agencies.

July 27, 2022

2022 Interagency Flood Insurance Q&As Webinar
The federal financial regulatory agencies hosted this interagency discussion of recent updates to the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Flood Insurance (Q&As), which were released on May 11, 2022. Staff from the agencies provided an overview of the revisions to the Q&As and followed the session with a Q&A segment.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 7, 2021

2021 Fair Lending Interagency Webinar
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: DOJ’s Combatting Redlining Initiative and Recent Enforcement; Government-Sponsored Enterprise Fair Lending Data; FDIC’s Redlining and Marketing; Analyzing HMDA Data: Tips for Small- to Mid-Sized Credit Unions; Fintech & Fair Lending Risk; Recent CFPB Guidance; J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., et al. Conciliation Agreement: A Case Study of a Successful Conciliation in a Discriminatory Appraisals Case; and Redlining Self-Assessments.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, December 7, 2021. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 8, 2020

2020 Fair Lending Interagency Webinar
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: CFPB’s ECOA Request for Information; HUD’s 2020 Disparate Impact Rule; Lending Discrimination Case Study, United States v. Guaranteed Auto Sales; Assessing Fair Lending Risk: Policies and Procedures; FHFA Credit Score Fair Lending Requirements; Managing Fair Lending Risk in Underwriting and Pricing Exceptions; Age Discrimination and Age-Related Considerations; and OCC’s Project REACh.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, December 8, 2020. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 12, 2019

Regulation E – Error Resolution Examiner Insights
This webinar addressed the Regulation E error resolution requirements (notice of error, oral notice of error, time limits for completing investigations, conditions for and limitations on liability, and completing investigations), prepaid cards, and error resolution violations and complaints.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, December 12, 2019. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 1, 2019

2019 Fair Lending Interagency Webinar
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: HMDA/Regulation C compliance, NCUA’s fair lending compliance program, developing a strong complaint management system for fair lending, pricing risks for mortgage and non-mortgages, third-party service provider oversight, supervision of auto dealers, loan modification and loss mitigation, fair lending updates, and recent mortgage pricing cases.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Webinar

Presentation Materials


June 18, 2019

Interagency Flood Insurance Update on Private Flood Insurance Rule
This interagency webinar addressed the flood insurance purchase requirements and Private Flood Insurance Rule (mandatory acceptance, “at least as broad as,” compliance aid for mandatory acceptance, discretionary acceptance, sufficient protection, and mutual aid societies), and preparations to comply with the rule.


Outlook Live Webinar Archive

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 3, 2018

2018 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: redlining litigation, fair lending reviews (assessing fair lending risk), pricing risks, marital status discrimination, disability and maternity leave discrimination, and HMDA update (partial exemptions in EGRRCPA, optional reporting, transactions counted in thresholds, and HMDA compliance statement).


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Monday, December 3, 2018. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 1, 2018

Healthy Communities: Opportunities for CRA Collaboration
During this webinar, we covered the Federal Reserve System Community Development function; relationship between health, education, and income; healthy communities checklist and experts; due diligence and performance metrics; and CRA modernization.


August 29, 2018

Complaints as a Supervisory and Risk Management Tool
This webinar addressed the Federal Reserve System (FRS) complaints function, FRS intake process, FRS District investigation process, complaints as a supervisory tool, complaints in compliance risk management, and program integration.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Wednesday, August 29, 2018. Webinar

Presentation Materials


July 16, 2018

Keeping Fintech Fair: Thinking About Fair Lending and UDAP Risks
This webinar addressed the benefits, opportunities, and risks of fintech; fair lending laws; unfair or deceptive acts or practices (UDAP) laws; importance of proactive consumer compliance; alternative data (big data’s reliability and nexus to creditworthiness); and early questions to ask.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Monday, July 16, 2018. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 16, 2017

2017 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: HMDA update (institutional coverage, expanded data collection, changes to reportable transactions, and fair lending considerations), special purpose credit programs, compliance management for consumer loans, fair lending risks for consumer loan pricing, fair lending monitoring programs, common issues in consumer complaints at HUD, and denial investigations and cases.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Thursday, November 16, 2017. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 29, 2016

Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment Published on July 25, 2016
This interagency webinar addressed community and economic development (size and purpose tests, revitalizing and stabilizing underserved nonmetropolitan middle income geographies, and loans), service test, retail and community development services, responsiveness and innovativeness, and innovative or flexible lending practices.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Wednesday, November 29, 2016. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 9, 2016

Interagency Overdraft Services Consumer Compliance Discussion
This interagency webinar addressed the following overdraft-related topics and practices: overdraft laws, regulations, guidance, and risk management; financial literacy and opt-in/opt-out consent; NCUA’s overdraft regulation; available balance at posting; overdrawn balances added to existing loans; CFPB supervisory and enforcement actions; balance-calculation findings; unfair and deceptive practices involving the assessment of fees using the available balance; and fee-on-fee assessment practices.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Wednesday, November 9, 2016. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 4, 2016

2016 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: CFPB mortgage updates, including public enforcement actions, Regulation C rulemaking, ECOA baseline review modules, and consumer resources; HMDA validation observations; OCC Compliance and Community Affairs business unit; and redlining (risk, DOJ referrals, CRA assessment area, branching, marketing and outreach, overt statements, complaints, and REMA).


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar on Tuesday, October 4, 2016. Webinar

Presentation Materials


April 12, 2016

Know Before You Owe Mortgage Disclosure Rule: Post-Effective Date Questions & Guidance
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: APR, total interest percentage (TIP), owner’s title insurance, flood insurance premiums, refinance transaction – escrow accounts, separate disclosures, assumptions, property taxes, fees collected prior to consummation, calculating cash to close – loan amount, principal curtailments, and construction – interest reserve.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


March 1, 2016

Know Before You Owe Mortgage Disclosure Rule — Construction Lending


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


February 18, 2016

CRA Community Development - Examiner Insights
This webinar addressed the CRA evaluation procedures; the community development (CD) prongs (affordable housing, services to LMI, economic development, revitalize and stabilize, and Neighborhood Stabilization Programs); geographic requirements for CD; qualifying CD activities; and CRA best practices (defining and understanding performance context, goal setting, and training and tracking).


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, February 18, 2016. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 22, 2015

Interagency Flood Insurance Regulation Update
This interagency webinar addressed the recent statutory changes (Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act and Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act); regulatory implementation of final rules to implement detached structure, escrow, and force placement provisions, and mandatory acceptance of private flood insurance provisions.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, October 22, 2015. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 15, 2015

2015 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar addressed the following fair lending topics: CFPB mortgage updates, using data in evaluating fair lending risk, compliance management systems, pricing reviews, post-origination fair lending risks, discrimination against women on maternity leave, and auto lending enforcement activity.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, October 15, 2015. Webinar

Presentation Materials


July 29, 2015

Common Violations and Hot Topics
This webinar addressed Regulation C – HMDA (common violations and risk mitigation strategies); Regulation B – ECOA (spousal signature violations and risk mitigation strategies); Regulation H – Flood Insurance (common violations, consequences of noncompliance, and 2015 Final Rule); and FTC Act, Section 5 UDAP (overview of risks and risk mitigation strategies).


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, July 29, 2015. Webinar

Presentation Materials


May 26, 2015

TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure, Part 5: Implementation Challenges and Questions
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: pre-application activity, application, formatting, calculating cash to close, written service provider list, revised disclosures, Closing Disclosure, owner’s title policy, Home Loan Toolkit, and delivery of Toolkit to consumers.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, May 26, 2015. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


December 4, 2014

Consumer Compliance Hot Topics — 2014 Year in Review
This webinar addressed the following hot topics: applications to the Federal Reserve (supervisory guidance and semi-annual report), Regulation P (annual privacy notice amendment), flood insurance updates, mortgage rules (updates and resources), HMDA proposal, HELOCs nearing the end-of-draw period, same sex marriage, recent court cases (Regulation B / FHA / rescission), and efforts related to community banks / EGRPRA process.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, December 4, 2014. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 18, 2014

Frequently Asked Questions on TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures, Part 4 — Completing the Closing Disclosure
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: Closing Disclosure form, including loan terms, projected payments, costs at closing, origination charges, services borrower did not shop for, other costs, taxes and other government fees, prepaids, initial escrow payment at closing, calculating cash to close, summaries of transactions, loan disclosures – partial payments, and liability after foreclosure.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, November 18, 2014. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


October 22, 2014

2014 Federal Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar covered the following fair lending topics: fair lending updates, risk-based approach to fair lending, fair lending risk assessments, expectations for compliance management systems, target pricing for mortgages, recent enforcement actions – REO properties and maternity leave, and auto lending enforcement.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 1, 2014

FAQs on the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures Rule, Part 3 — Completing the Loan Estimate
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: Loan Estimate form, including brokered transactions, loan terms, projected payments, costs at closing, loan costs – origination charges, other costs, calculating cash to close, AP and AIR tables, contact information, comparisons, other considerations, and service provider list.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


August 26, 2014

FAQs on the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures, Part 2 — Various Topics
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: background, CFPB resources, application-related questions, general rule, scope questions, record retention, variations/tolerances, disclosure/re-disclosure timing, and Loan Estimate.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, August 26, 2014. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


July 17, 2014

Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment
This interagency webinar provided an overview of the updates to the Interagency Questions and Answers Regarding Community Reinvestment.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, July 17, 2014. Webinar

Presentation Materials


June 17, 2014

TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures, Part 1 — Overview of the Rule
This webinar addressed the following TRID topics: overview and scope; Loan Estimate (general contents, alternative, differences from existing disclosures, delivery requirement, good faith requirement, and tolerance limitations); Closing Disclosure (general contents, alternative, differences from existing disclosures, and delivery requirement); changes before and after consummation; pre-disclosure restrictions; and other disclosures.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, June 17, 2014. Webinar
**The content of this webinar is current as of the date the webinar was originally presented. This webinar has not been updated since its original presentation date and does not reflect the changes and clarifications set forth in the final rule issued on July 7, 2017.

Presentation Materials


April 10, 2014

Consumer Compliance Management Program — Common Concerns and Best Practices
This webinar addressed the following topics: perspective on the current regulatory landscape; emerging risks in the consumer compliance space; compliance management program (CMP) (components of a successful CMP, risk assessment, managing outsourcing risk, regulatory change management, expectations for effective CMPs, new products and services considerations, UDAP, consumer complaints); and key takeaways and resources.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, April 10, 2014. Webinar

Presentation Materials


March 6, 2014

Community Bank Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Program
This webinar provided an overview of the Federal Reserve System’s Community Bank Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Program.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, March 6, 2014. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 12, 2013

Consumer Compliance Hot Topics — 2013 Year in Review
This webinar provided an overview of the regulatory changes occurring in 2013, including lending updates (mortgage rules and foreclosure guidance, credit card fee limits, and flood/Biggert-Waters Act); deposit/bank operations updates (remittance rule, garnishment of accounts, ATM fee notice, guidance on privacy and reporting of financial elder abuse, and social media guidance); pending regulatory changes; CRA interagency Q&A; and Federal Reserve policy and guidance.


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


December 4, 2013

Small Creditor Qualified Mortgages
This webinar addressed the following topics: ability-to-repay/qualified mortgages (QMs) (requirement and four categories of QMs); small creditor QM; small creditor QM flowchart steps (criteria, loan features, underwriting, points and fees, and portfolio requirements); portfolio QM; and presumption of compliance.


Outlook Live Webinar

View the archive of the webinar held on Wednesday, December 4, 2013. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 24, 2013

2013 Interagency Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar covered the following fair lending topics: HMDA (Regulation C) compliance; NCUA’s fair lending compliance program; developing a strong compliance management system for fair lending; pricing risks for mortgages and non-mortgages; third-party service provider oversight – supervision of auto dealers; loan modification and loss mitigation; fair lending updates; and recent mortgage pricing cases.


Outlook Live Webinar

View the archive of the webinar held on Thursday, October 24, 2013. Webinar

Presentation Materials


August 20, 2013

Conducting Consumer Compliance Risk Assessments — Examiner Insights
This webinar addressed the following risk assessment topics: defining a risk assessment (benefits, inherent vs. residual risk, and measuring risk); controlling risk (effective control characteristics and control considerations); post risk assessment; and fair lending and CRA considerations.


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


August 6, 2013

Indirect Auto Lending — Fair Lending Considerations
This interagency webinar addressed indirect auto lending and compliance with ECOA (CFPB authority, discretion and fair lending risk, and how to comply); Federal Reserve fair lending examinations; and DOJ auto lending enforcement (jurisdiction under ECOA and past/ongoing enforcement efforts).

March 5, 2013

UDAP — Analysis, Examinations, Case Studies, and Emerging Risks
This webinar addressed the following regarding UDAP: legal authority and analysis (Dodd-Frank Act UDAP authority, FTC Act UDAP authority, and relationship to other laws); case studies; emerging risks; holding company risks and impact; and tips for compliance.


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


December 4, 2012

Consumer Compliance Hot Topics — 2012 Year in Review
This webinar provided an overview of the regulatory changes occurring in 2012, including: Remittance Transfer Rule; mortgage proposals; Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act; Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA); expiration of unlimited deposit insurance; Regulation Z and M updates; and supervisory hot topics (new products and services, third party risk management, and fair lending and UDAP compliance).


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


October 17, 2012

Fair Lending Hot Topics
This interagency webinar covered the following fair lending topics: recent fair lending enforcement efforts, risk assessments, fair lending compliance management, data reporting and analysis, HUD LGBT Rule, disability discrimination, maternity leave discrimination, loss mitigation and loan modification; and redlining.


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


September 10, 2012

Servicemember Financial Protection
This interagency webinar addressed the following servicemember financial protection topics: interagency permanent change of station (PCS) guidance; HAMP program enhancements; short sale guidance; SCRA enforcement actions related to financial institutions; and SCRA compliance tips.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Monday, September 10, 2012. Webinar

Presentation Materials


June 21, 2012

2010 Census Data - What It Means for CRA, HMDA and Fair Lending Compliance?
This webinar addressed the following topics: key census sources - American Community Survey (ACS); changes to CRA, fair lending, and HMDA data assessments; ACS income updates; population changes from 2010 census; revised census tract boundaries; transition effects on branches; OMB MSA designations; ACS data review; CRA examinations (CD activities, assessment area review); and fair lending examination considerations.


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


May 2, 2012

Vendor Risk Management - Compliance Considerations
This webinar addressed vendor relationships, types of risk (reputation, operational, transaction, credit, and compliance), third parties and UDAP risk, flood insurance monitoring, loan modifications, credit card relationships, disclosure generation software, third party payment processors, revenue enhancement, common themes, and best practices.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. Webinar

Presentation Materials


December 15, 2011

Consumer Compliance Hot Topics
This webinar addressed the following topics: CFPB regulatory structure, federal consumer financial law, rules remaining with prudential regulators, recent/pending rule changes, required Dodd-Frank Act changes by CFPB, mortgage lending rules, UDAAP (rulemaking, resources, and impact on consumers), deposit-related items, lending-related items, and CRA.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Thursday, December 15, 2011. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 2, 2011

Fair Lending Issues and Hot Topics
This interagency webinar covered the following fair lending topics: redlining (DOJ investigations, cases, and settlements), CFPB fair lending exams (Dodd-Frank Act fair lending mandate, ongoing supervision process, supervision manual, and product reviews), maternity leave discrimination (HUD), broker compensation in fair lending cases (FDIC), fair lending beyond ECOA (OCC), and unsecured consumer loans (FRB).


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, November 2, 2011. Webinar

Presentation Materials


October 4, 2011

Real Estate Owned (REO) Disposition Risks and CRA Opportunities
This webinar addressed current REO market observations, property preservation and maintenance, and REO sales.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Tuesday, October 4, 2011. Webinar

Presentation Materials


February 16, 2011

Risk Based Pricing Notices
This webinar addressed the Risk-Based Pricing Rule (application of rule, two paths to compliance, methods, and special rule for credit cards), risk-based pricing notice, credit score disclosures, account review notices, exceptions and rules of construction, and enforcement.


Outlook Live Webinar

Listen to the audio and view the slides of the webinar held on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. Webinar

Presentation Materials


November 17, 2010

Tips for Reporting Accurate HMDA and CRA Data
This webinar addressed HMDA and CRA data collection (regulatory requirements, challenges, and common errors), using HMDA and CRA data in internal reviews (fair lending and CRA), and Dodd-Frank Act (changes to HMDA data reporting and new small business data collection requirements).


Outlook Live Webinar

Archive is not available.

Presentation Materials


December 10, 2009

New Overdraft Protection Program Rules
This webinar addressed the Regulation DD final rule (aggregate fee disclosures on periodic statements and balance inquiry disclosures) and Regulation E final rule (opt-in, application, non-discrimination provisions, conditioning of opt-in, variation of account terms, no exceptions to fee prohibition).


Outlook Live Conference Call

Listen to the audio for the conference call on Thursday, December 10, 2009. Audio Conference